Why Fitness is Important - An Interview With Trainer Ricky Grabow

Hello everyone! In today’s blog post, I will share my interview with personal trainer, Ricky Grabow, on the importance of fitness. Keep reading to learn Ricky’s top tricks on how to stay motivated to move!

An Interview With Trainer Ricky Grabow

1) Why is fitness important?

Your longevity is based off of how well you take care of your body! Fitness is a major part of the process of taking care of your body, without it you are simply missing a large piece of the puzzle.

2) How can you get motivated (especially during COVID-19) to exercise?

Set a goal! Be specific about the outcome you want from exercise- example- lose 6 pounds in a month, and then create daily habits that lead you to your goal.

3) Are workout routines and schedules important?

It’s helpful to workout at the same time, and same day every week. That allows you to establish a habit. With time your body will come to expect a workout at that specific day and time.

4) How to become fit if you don't have time/don't like to workout?

If you don’t like exercise, engage in an active hobby or recreational sport! A hobby that makes you sweat is key to anyone who doesn’t like a gym setting.

if you don’t have time, I strongly recommend you find it somewhere! Fact is you will be more productive and effective after a good workout so it’s worth making time for!

Ricky’s Top Three Fitness Tips

1. Set Goals

2. Ask a professional for help- even if it’s for a month. Exercising safely and effectively is vital to your longtime health. Ensuring that you are doing things in the correct manner is worth it.

3. Make exercise fun. The more fun you have, the more likely you are to stick to your routine!

Thank you Ricky for answering the questions!