The Greatest Focus Method Ever - The Pomodoro Method

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Hi everyone! If you’ve been distracted lately or had trouble focusing on your work, the Pomodoro Method is here for you.

To-Do List.png

The Pomodoro Technique was created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. He was having trouble focusing on his tasks and decided to time himself on each activity. He used a tomato-shaped timer, (Pomodoro is tomato in Italian), and this wonderful technique was born.

The Method

  1. Make your to-do list

  2. Do 25 minutes of intensely focused work

  3. Take a 5-minute break

  4. Take a longer break after 4 Pomodoro sessions


I like to listen to focus music while I do Pomodoro, my favorites being the Focus Playlists on Headspace, and Spotify’s Focus Playlists. After my music is ready to go, I make my to-do list on a piece of paper, pick my first task, and set a 25-minute timer on my phone.

*Pro Tip* If you get easily disrupted by your phone, try putting it on Do Not Disturb, and flip it over so you don’t see the notifications.

Alternatively, you can purchase a Pomodoro timer like this one from Amazon: Pomodoro Timer.


The Pomodoro method is a really great way to get in the focus mode and get more work done. I’ve found that it has made me a more efficient worker.

If you try the Pomodoro Method, make sure to tag AlivenVibrantllc or leave a comment below!