The Importance of Lifestyle for Mental Wellness

The brain is a vital organ for our survival and the food that we fuel our body with impacts the state of our brain. Neurotransmitters are the messengers to the brain and when we aren’t properly fueling the body, the neurotransmitters can send mixed messages that can lead to confusion and a poor mental being. On the other hand, when we do support our body’s needs we can be rewarded with a greater sense of mental wellness.

Below are some tips and tricks to help you promote mental wellness in your day-to-day life, and how to encourage positive well-being on your plate at mealtimes.

  1. Stay hydrated, always! Make sure you are drinking the proper amount of water for your body- dive your weight by two and drink that number in ounces. Don’t forget to drink more than that if you are working out, outdoors often, or have an active daily routine.

  2. Get active! Find a way to get your body moving that you enjoy, and aim to be active several times a week in 30-minute increments.

  3. Eat a diet rich in color- think fruits and vegetables of all colors of the rainbow. Dark leafy greens, bell peppers, cruciferous vegetables, and vibrant fruits. Check out Pat’s Special Smoothie recipe for a nutrient-dense meal that contains several brain boosters.

  4. Keep your mind sharp by being social and learning new things. Reading, puzzles, and picking up new skills and hobbies are all great ways to do this.

  5. Foods that can work to promote brain wellness are bananas, almonds, cacao, olives, flaxseeds, berries, potatoes, and greens. Foods that can deter brain wellness and should be consumed in moderation are alcohol, highly processed foods, fried foods, as well as artificial colors and sweeteners.

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